
What is Rolfing® ?

Rolfing® is an approach to working with the body that is both holistic and has basis in science. Rolfing® can be understood by breaking the work down into three parts:

  • Soft/Connective Tissue release

  • Movement/Proprioception Education

  • Neural Mobilization


Rolfing® structural Integration

Working together, we free up adhesions and internal misalignments through mild, direct pressure, breath, and movement. In this way, patterns of fascial holding can release, and the body can begin to find and re-establish balance and integrity of structure.

rolf® movement

We work to re-train propreception and movement patterns through breath and body awareness. By identifying movement patterns in your daily life that cause strain and misalignment we then work together to promote movement strategies that are efficient for your body in gravity, and bring ease to your system.


Rolfing is NOT deep tissue massage. Fundamentally, Rolfing addresses the body as a whole system, therefore getting to the root of misalignments that cause pain and dysfunction.

The goals and benefits of Rolfing are long term, and are not only physical, but can also be psycho-somatic. Our relationship to our emotions and how we exist in the world is dependent on how we physically experience it. Our understanding of how our we store and physically manifest our emotions and reactions can shift in profound ways through Rolfing®.
